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Charmayne reads

goodreads refugee (still trying this out though!) A huge fan of quality YA and fantasy/-adventure. Also, 3AM reading sprees are the best.

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Untitled (Shatter Me, #3)
Tahereh Mafi

Forgive My Fins

Forgive My Fins - Tera Lynn Childs At first glance I thought this would be a really great book. Forgive My Fins has a beautiful title and a pretty enough cover- the summary wasn't bad too. But as I dove read further in, I became increasingly frustrated with the MC and the author. Forgive me, Tera Lynn, but I guess your books aren't really for me.

Thing I liked about this book:

1) Quince. He was endearingly sweet most of the time.

2) The ending. It managed to salvage a book that I was ready to scream and cry over. At least Lily redeems herself and realizes her stupidity. She took a little too long though. I was ready to leap into the book and strangle her.

Things I didn't like about this book:

1) The main character. Maybe it's just me, but I despise girl lead characters who are selfish and extremely insecure. Sure, a girl can have her flaws, but seriously? About two-thirds of the whole time Lily is just being a selfish, deluded brat who is desperately infatuated with Brody, so much that she can't even truly appreciate the people who care for her. Maybe Quince has made your three years on land "hell", but do you really need to snap at him all the time?

2) I wished the author could elaborate more on mermaid culture. The kingdom of Thalassinia has a Disney-esque feel to it, with all the colourful corals and pretty mermaids. Interesting enough, but I thought Tera Lynn could explain Thalassinnia more. She simply described the overall glitter of the kingdom but hardly gave any real depth it. Everything seemed a little too princess-like and girly. I couldn't stand it after a while.

3) The plot if there is one of Forgive My Fins is GLARINGLY obvious. Girl has a crush on a boring and predictable boy, a hot guy that she hates comes along and they all fall in love with the right people and live happily ever after. There are no real problems in this love story. Everything is centered on Lily and characters like her terraped best friend and even Quince at times, are straight out flat. I didn't know Quince had a mother until the very end of the book, and Shannen seems like she's just there to support Lily all the time.

To be honest, I continued reading this book for the feel good vibe and nothing more. I would have rated this 1.5 stars, but okay is okay I guess.